General Dynamics C4 Systemshas opened the MUOS Radio Testing Lab at its Scottsdale,Ariz., location. The U.S. Navy-approved laboratory is one of two that support testingfor radio-terminals intending to connect with the MUOS space-ground network. Thelab is equipped with hardware and software that simulates the radio’s connectivitywith the MUOS ground network. “TheMUOS Radio Testing Lab in Scottsdale will help the U.S. military and governmentto cost-effectively and efficiently add MUOS-capable radios to theircommunications network,” said Chris Marzilli, president of General Dynamics C4Systems. “This brings this critical operational capability even closer to beingavailable to military and government personnel.”


Totest connectivity with the MUOS system, radios are provisioned with the GeneralDynamics-developed MUOS waveform to make secure voice calls and complete datatransmissions at different data rates across the simulated MUOS network. The MUOS waveform, housed in the governmentwaveform information repository, leveragesthe widely-used commercial Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) cellphone technology. Thefirst terminal to receive government authorization and enter the Scottsdale labwas Rockwell Collins’ ARC-210 radio that began testing in March. Companiesinterested in accessing the General Dynamics C4 Systems MUOS Radio Testing Labmust first contact and receive approval from the Navy’s CommunicationsSatellite Program office, PMW 146, to authorize access to the test facility.  Formore than 30 years, General Dynamics C4 Systems has been a leading provider ofsatellite communications ground systems for the U.S. government. For moreinformation about how General Dynamics connects satellites to ground-basedcommand and control systems visit Thearchitect of the Soldier’s Network, General Dynamics C4 Systems also deliversthe tactical broadband network, radios and capabilities that securely connectand inform military personnel. For more information, go to C4 Systems is a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD). More information is available online at