– The U.S. Navy has awarded General Dynamics American Overseas Marine LLC(AMSEA) a $32.7 million contract modification to operate and maintainseven large, medium-speed, roll-on / roll-off ships (LMSR) for the MilitarySealift Command. AMSEA is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics (NYSE:GD).Underthe terms of the modification, AMSEA will provide services including crewing,engineering, maintenance, procurement and provisioning. Initially awarded in2010, the contract has a potential value of $238 million over seven years.“AMSEAhas successfully operated the vessels in this program for the last nine yearsand we will continue our superior service for our customer under this newcontract,” said Thomas Merrell, president of AMSEA.Asa full-service ship operator for more than 28 years, AMSEA provides completemarine operations, engineering and professional services to customers in thegovernment and commercial sectors. More information about AMSEA is available atwww.gdamsea.com. Moreinformation about General Dynamics is available at www.generaldynamics.com.